Thursday, May 04, 2006

Easter 2006

Here are some pix from this Easter. The kids had a great time coloring easter eggs and hunting for them. They both really liked making eggs that were two different colors! Seth & Olivia thought it would be funny to lick GrandDad, he probably deserved it! GrandMom & GrandDad came over to watch the kids color the Easter eggs. They're so proud of their finished product! Olivia was able to do the coloring by herself for the most part, Daddy helped to make sure there wasn't too big of a mess! Seth did a great job of getting the eggs into & out of the dye all by himself! Lacey, Seth, Brian & Olivia Olivia digging through the loot the Easter bunny left her on Easter morning. Seth & Olivia comparing candy. The Easter bunny also left the kids Pogo Moon Hoppers. Seth is getting really good on his. It's a disc with a ball in the middle that you have to hold onto with your feet while you jump - takes good coordination!


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